Alpinestars(A星)Tech 10 Motocross骑行靴
十多年来,Tech 10一直为Motocross战靴的性能和防护设置了标准。全新设计的Tech 10战靴进一步提升了性能:通过创新实现完美;在保持标志性的Tech 10外观的同时,新靴子代表了一种全新的方式——提高了其为骑手提供极致触感、舒适性和安全性的能力。
- Tech 10的一项突破性创新是引入了Alpinestars(A星)专利的Frontal Flex Frame。
- 完整无缝的屈曲控制系统采用双密度TPU连接器系统提供的工程前屈控制。
- Tech 10设计更苗条、更流线,小腿轮廓保护器符合人体工程学原理包裹在后腿周围。
- 完全重新设计的鞋底,具有专有的抓地雕刻,以提高脚钉性能、抓地能力以及泥浆和水的流失。
- 独家双复合鞋底与内置支撑的多密度鞋底结构无缝结合。
- 中央鞋底嵌件采用微型握把和侧钩式握把设计。它很容易更换,Alpinestars(a星)提供完整的鞋底更换和靴子维修服务。
- 经过解剖优化,重新设计,以减轻重量和符合人体工程学,新的三扣闭合系统采用尼龙和玻璃纤维复合材料,提高耐用性和强度。
- 所有卡扣都易于更换。
- Tech 10底盘结合了先进的轻质超细纤维和抗冲击耐磨TPU外壳。
- 脚壳采用五种不同的复合材料制成一个轻质部件,在保持灵活性和结构完整性的同时提供强度。
- 鞋壳结合鞋跟和脚趾保护,高度耐磨损和抗冲击,提高了靴子的整体耐久性。
- 正面保护采用双重闭合系统,内部微纤维襟翼,加上钩环紧固件,可在带扣下方实现精确的闭合,从而提供更大的可微调精度,便于操作。
- 柔软的超细纤维防尘罩有助于防止过多的水和灰尘进入。
- Poly面料衬里搭配3D开孔泡沫,鞋跟部位融入防滑翻毛皮,让双足始终位于靴子内侧。
- 在外壳结构中开发,允许脚踝自然运动、垂直压缩控制和改进的冲击防护。
- 不对称的内侧和外侧双枢轴系统。
- 重新设计的双密度TPU后刀片系统。
- 设计用于防止过度伸展,同时提供更好的挠曲控制和抗冲击性。
- 在Tech 10独特的轻质一体式共注脚底盘中,内置了获得专利的动态鞋跟压缩保护器(DHCP),这是一项创新的安全功能,包括完全集成的可折叠鞋跟区域和膨胀的聚泡沫,以在碰撞时吸收高冲击能量。
- DCHP具有定向冲击保护系统,可显著减少过度的、可能造成伤害的能量传递到脚踝和小腿的影响。
- DHCP已被Alpinestars(A星)运动员用于专业超级交叉和摩托车越野赛的苛刻环境中。
- 更轻,解剖学上重新设计的内侧和外侧扭转臂,结构紧凑,提供更大的运动和控制范围。
- 与外靴底盘配合使用,脚踝支架可在事故发生时提供垂直和横向保护,防止脚踝和腿部受到挤压和旋转,并逐渐减弱扭转力,同时仍能实现自然的运动自由。
- 双枢轴系统允许Tech 10在弯曲时保持其完整性,这消除了对不同脚踝宽度的替代扭杆的需求,并关键地提供了对旋转和垂直力的基本渐进阻力,否则,如果不以受控方式阻止,则会对脚踝、膝盖、大腿和骨盆造成严重损害。
- 全新的低剖面设计,减少了材料的堆积,减轻了重量,便于更轻松、更快地穿着。
- 创新的屈曲插件与全新Tech 10的屈曲支撑系统无缝配合,实现极致性能。
- 鞋跟和脚踝采用TPU保护和减震衬垫,前掌区域超薄灵活,提高灵敏度和控制力。
- 双复合可拆卸解剖鞋垫包括EVA,提供舒适和支撑,有助于均匀的重量分布。
Alpinestars Tech 10 Motocross Boots
The Tech 10 has set the standard for Motocross boot performance and protection for well over a decade. The completely redesigned Tech 10 boot raises the performance envelope even further: Perfection through innovation; while maintaining the iconic Tech 10 look, the new boot represents an entirely new approach - improving its ability to give a rider the ultimate in feel, comfort and safety.
- A breakthrough innovation for the Tech 10 is the introduction of Alpinestars patented Frontal Flex Frame.
- The complete and seamless flexion control system features an engineered frontal flexion control offered by a dual-density TPU connector system.
- The Tech 10 design is slimmer and more streamlined with a contoured calf protector ergonomically wrapping around the rear leg.
- Completely re-designed sole with proprietary grip sculpturing to improve foot-peg performance, grip and mud and water run-off.
- Exclusive dual compound sole is seamlessly integrated to the multi-density foot base structure with built-in support.
- The central sole insert features micro grip and side hooking grip design. It is easily replaceable and Alpinestars offers a full sole replacement and boot repair service.
- Anatomically optimized re-designed for weight-saving and ergonomics, the new triple buckle closure system features a nylon and fiberglass compound for improved durability and strength.
- All buckles are easily replaceable.
- The Tech 10 chassis combines advanced lightweight microfiber and impact and abrasion resistant TPU shell.
- Foot shell features five different compounds in a single lightweight piece to offer strength while maintaining flexibility and structural integrity.
- Foot shell incorporates heel and toe protection that is highly resistant to abrasion and impact and adds to the boot’s overall durability.
- Frontal protection features a dual closure system with an internal microfiber flap, plus hook and loop fasteners for a precise fit closure beneath the buckle giving greater, micro-adjustable, precision which is convenient to operate.
- Soft microfiber gaiter helps seal out excessive water and dirt entry.
- Poly-fabric lining with 3D open cell foam incorporates anti-slip suede in heel area, keeping the foot located inside the boot.
ankle control system:
- developed in the outer shell construction, allowing natural ankle movement, vertical compression control and improved impact protection.
- Asymmetrical medial and lateral double pivot system.
- redesigned dual density TPU rear blade system.
- engineered to prevent hyperextension while offering improved flex control and impact resistance.
DCHP – unique heel protection innovation:
- Built into the Tech 10’s unique and lightweight single-piece co-injected foot chassis is the patented Dynamic Heel Compression Protector (DHCP), an innovative safety feature which includes a fully integrated collapsible heel area with expanded poly-foam to absorb high impact energies during a crash.
- DCHP features a directional impact protection system which significantly reduces the effect of excessive, potentially injury-causing, energy being transferred to the ankle and lower leg.
- DHCP has been used by Alpinestars athletes in the demanding environments of professional Supercross and Motocross.
New inner ankle brace:
- Lighter, anatomically redesigned medial and lateral torsion arms which are compact and offer increased range of movement and control.
- In conjunction with the outer boot chassis, the ankle brace gives vertical and lateral protection from ankle and leg compression and rotation and progressive damping of torsional forces during an accident, while still allowing natural freedom of movement.
- Double pivot system allows the Tech 10 to retain its integrity while flexing which removes the need for alternative torsion bars for varying ankle widths and crucially gives the essential progressive resistance to rotational and vertical forces which, otherwise, are so damaging to ankles, knees, upper legs and pelvis if not arrested in a controlled way.
- New low-profile design for reduce material build, less weight and to facilitate easier and quicker wearing.
- Innovative flexion inserts work seamlessly with new Tech 10’s flex support system for ultimate in performance.
- TPU protection and shock absorbing padding on the heel and ankles and an ultra-thin and flexible forefoot area for increased sensitivity and control.
- Dual compound removable anatomic footbed includes EVA for comfort and support and aids even weight distribution.