Alpinestars(A星)Stella Missile连体穿孔女式摩托车皮衣
Stella导弹皮衣专为女性设计,采用优质比赛级1.3毫米牛皮革制成,中间点缀有战略性放置的手风琴式弹性角撑板和弹性织物面板,以实现摩托车上最大的骑手灵活性。1级Alpinestars(A星)GP-R保护装置和接头处的外部滑块提供无与伦比的冲击和耐磨性,而局部穿孔和气流优化的气动驼峰确保骑手在骑行过程中保持凉爽和流线型。Stella导弹还与Tech Air®兼容。
- 符合人体解剖学的外形,完全优化了女性的贴合度,采用优质1.3mm真牛皮革制成
- 大型手风琴弹性面板有助于车辆的运动和舒适度
- 战略性定位的手风琴拉伸面板嵌件设计用于容纳Alpinestars(a星)安全气囊系统,允许在安全气囊充气时进行膨胀,同时还提供了高水平的解剖性能,在未安装该系统的情况下骑行时具有卓越的适配性
- Tech Air®兼容;Tech Air®是世界上第一个完全电子、独立、完全独立的上身摩托车安全气囊系统,无需骑车人设置配置
- 套筒上的LED显示屏指示安全气囊的运行状态,而位于背部保护器中的内部外壳容纳系统背心的ECU
- 袖管和裤裆采用高抗弹力纤维(HRSF)面料拼接,进一步提升贴合感和触感
- 符合人体工程学的后驼峰,专为女性设计,在高速时可获得更好的气流和性能
- 预弯袖子和腿部结构,减少骑手骑行时的疲劳
- 大尺寸打孔皮革拼接,实现最佳透气性
- 局部穿孔显著改善透气性
- 拼接皮革图案细节
- 小腿膨胀角撑板
- 集成衬垫,提升骑手舒适度
- 胸部隔层设计用于容纳Alpinestars(A星)Stella Nucleon胸垫,可作为配件升级
- 膝盖多层加固结构,在车辆接触区具有抓地力纹理
- 可拆卸网布衬里,方便透气
- 防水内钱包口袋,便于存放物品
- 多按扣系统,集成2级Alpinestars(A星)Nucleon背部保护装置
- 3D纹理面料衣领结构有助于舒适,防止摩擦
- 创新的内袖带和小腿调节器,让骑手可以根据自己的身材进行调整
- 肩部、肘部、膝盖上的Alpinestars(A星)GP-R保护装置
- 创新的新型肘关节滑块具有解剖学轮廓,具有可拆卸和可更换的螺钉安装插入滑块
- 动态摩擦防护罩(DFS)外部双密度TPU滑块,位于肩部和膝部,具有高耐磨性
- 运动膝盖滑块
- 完全批准的骑行服符合第二类EN17092草案标准–AAA级
Alpinestars Stella Missile One Piece Perforated Ladies Motorcycle Leather Suit
Designed specifically for the female form, the Stella Missile Leather Suit is constructed from premium race-grade 1.3 mm bovine leather, punctuated with strategically-placed accordion stretch gussets and stretch fabric panels to allow for maximum rider mobility on the motorcycle. Level 1 Alpinestars GP-R protectors and external sliders at the joints offer unparalled impact and abrasion resistance, while localized perforations and an airflow-optimized aero hump ensure the rider stays cool and streamlined during the ride. The Stella Missile is also Tech-Air® compatible.
- anatomically profiled for a fully optimized female fit and constructed with premium 1.3mm genuine bovine leather
- large accordion stretch panels help movement and comfort on the bike
- strategically positioned accordion stretch panel inserts have been designed to accommodate Alpinestars airbag system, allowing expansion when the airbag inflates but also offering a high level of anatomical performance and a superior fit when riding without the system fitted
- Tech-Air® compatible; Tech-Air® is the world’s first completely electronic, self-contained, full independent upper body motorcycle airbag system with no bike-to-rider set-up configurations required
- a LED display on the sleeve indicates the airbag’s operational status, while an internal housing located in the back protector accommodates the system vest’s ECU
- Hyper Resistant Stretch Fiber (HRSF) fabric panels on sleeves and crotch further improve fit and feel
- ergonomic back hump, designed specifically for the female form and sculpted for better airflow and performance at high speed
- pre-curved sleeves and legs construction to reduce rider fatigue when riding
- large perforated leather panels for maximum ventilation
- localized perforations highly improve ventilation
- stitched leather graphic details
- calf expansion gusset
- integrated padding for increased levels of rider comfort
- chest compartments are designed to accommodate the Alpinestars Stella Nucleon chest pads, available as an accessory upgrade
- knee multi-layer reinforced construction with grip texture on the bike contact area
- removable mesh inner liner for convenience and breathability
- waterproof inner wallet pocket for peace-of-mind storage
- multiple snap button system to integrate the Level 2 Alpinestars Nucleon Back protector
- 3D textured fabric collar construction aids comfort and prevents chafing
- innovative inner cuff and calf adjusters allow riders to tailor the fit
- Alpinestars GP-R protectors on the shoulder, elbow, knee
- innovative new elbow slider is anatomically contoured and features a removable and replaceable screw-mounted insert slider
- Dynamic Friction Shield (DFS) external dual density TPU sliders on the shoulder and knee for high levels of abrasion resistance
- sport knee slider
- fully approved riding garment to Category II EN17092 draft standards – AAA class